
Weight Loss: Intuition
Coach Calls with Jon Gabriel

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Listen to Jon Gabriel Chat to Gazz About:

  • Why intuition is so important in weight loss
  • How to get rid of energy blockages
  • How to access your intuition


Read The Lecture Transcripts Here


I just want to bring on a friend of mine, Gazz, who’s been waiting to talk to us, and Gazz, Kelly, as I mentioned, is an intuitive reader. And she lost weight from The Gabriel Method, and I just want to talk to her a little bit about her experiences and about intuition in general.




So, then we’ve got a few other callers so hang in there and we’ll take those, and maybe Gazz can stay on and talk to some people also. Gazz, are you on?


I am. Hi Jon. How are you doing?


Hey Gazz. How are you?


Yeah, I’m good thank you. Can you hear me well?


Yeah, welcome to the show.


Thank you.


Sorry about the technical glitches.


That’s okay. Not to worry.


So, Gazz, first of all, I’m wondering if you can tell us just a little bit about what you do, and I’ll just start by saying that Gazz has been incredibly useful and beneficial for me on my journey. As an intuitive reader, I have sessions with her where we talk on the phone and she is able to somehow tap into intuition and give me incredible guidance. And that guidance has just been just so beneficial to me, and so I’m just wondering if you can talk a little bit about what you do and how you do it?


Yeah, sure. Thanks for that, Jon. Basically, as an intuitive reader, what I do is I tap into — the person that I’m speaking with, I tap into their energy. And what that does is it enables me to hear, feel and say some of the things that the other person can’t. That doesn’t mean that the other person can’t actually feel their intuition themselves, it just may mean that they’ve got their own blockages in their body which obviously comes from past issues. And what I tend to do is help the other person to understand what blockages they do have and how to move through their blockages in their own time. So that’s the gist of what I do.


What is intuition to you? What would you say intuition is? Where does it come from and how do we access it?


Intuition is a deep feeling in the center of the body, and the way I access it is by getting myself present and grounded in the moment which that, for me, looks like I’ll put my feet on the ground which enables me to become grounded, and I just step into the body. The intuition sits in the center of the body. In order for us to be able to access our intuition, we need to understand our body, we need to be able to connect with our body, and we need to love our body.


Right, right. Loving our body is a really important part of the journey, and I think it was an important part of your journey, also.


Absolutely, and having come across The Gabriel Method is where I truly learned how to love my body. And I realized, through The Gabriel Method, I’ve been doing intuition work for a long time, but when I did The Gabriel Method I realized where the intuition sits in the body. And when I realized that, I was able to access it on a much deeper level by connecting through the body and just loving the body constantly.


I remember you told me, like because you had a little bit of a weight issue before you started The Gabriel Method, and it was weight you had had for a long time; is that right?


That’s right, yeah. A very long time.


I remember you said you had an incident where you just felt this feeling of forgiveness and love towards your body and somehow it had a big shift and you were able to lose weight very quickly; is that right?


That’s right, exactly, yeah. A long time ago you sat with me and you mentioned to me about loving the body and how, I don’t know if you remember, how you said to me just keep telling yourself that you love yourself. And I think that’s where my journey began with the weight loss. So I kept saying to myself, “I love you Gazz, I love you Gazz,” and that opened up a whole world for me to understand the blockages in my body and what the weight was actually about. My intuition gave me pictures and signs of what the weight was about which enabled me to accept, love, and let go.


So how much weight have you lost since then?


I’ve now lost 17 kilos.


Which is about almost 40 pounds.


Yeah, exactly.


That’s great. That’s great. I can’t wait to see you.


Yeah, it is. Thank you, Jon.


Gazz, if you don’t mind staying on for just a little while just in case anyone has any questions for Gazz about intuition, and I just want to say, I talk a lot about how important intuition is and being able to access intuition because intuition is that part of us that really knows why we’re here and it can help us in ways that our mind and our intellect can’t possibly help us.

And the reason is, our minds don’t know the future. Our mind doesn’t know why we’re here or the purpose of life or the future or any of these things. So you could be walking down the street and you’re thinking you’re about to turn right because that’s the shorter way to go and it’s logical and your mind says that we always go that way and that’s the best way to go, but intuitively you don’t feel like going that way. Intuitively you feel like making a left. And maybe you listen to that intuition or maybe you don’t, but if you were to turn right, something could have happened like maybe a building is going to collapse and the rubble is just going to land all over you, and if you go the normal way you would have died. And if you go left, you would have been saved, and there’s no way your mind can calculate that. There’s no way your mind understands the future.

So your mind can be — you can be very brilliant and very logical, but you don’t know the future, but your intuition knows what’s in store for you, it knows why you’re here, and the more you get in touch with that intuition the more you’re able to live your life’s path.

And when you are living your life’s path, your real journey, the real reason why you’re here, it’s a much stressful — it’s a much less stressful existence. And it’s an existence where things work out, things just flow easily, and everything happens right, and because you have less stress, your body is not activating these FAT programs and so you lose weight much easier.

So getting in touch with intuition is really important. Gazz, we have to take a call from last week, but before I do, I just want to ask you if you have any advice for people about how to really access their intuition?


I do, Jon. My advice would be, it’s something I call the buddy scan, is for every night when you go to bed, as you lie down, bring your entire attention, and start with your feet, and just feel the energy moving all the way through to the top of your head and you feel it releasing. So I think it’s one of the things that you taught me as well, and that’s how I access my intuition. If I’m sitting down and speaking to you, my feet are firmly planted on the ground, my attention is in my feet and I’m aware.


So if I want to access my intuition I want to know like — maybe I can’t decide whether or not I should take a job for example, and so I want my own guidance, I want to access my intuition about that. So what is it exactly that I’m doing?


Okay. So you put your feet on the ground, whether you’re standing or sitting, and you just bring the attention, your attention, into your feet and you feel the sensations inside your feet. And to begin with, you may have to walk yourself through it. Just say, “I’m in the feet now, I’m aware of my feet,” and as you do this, your intuition, it’s always alive, but your ability to be able to access it is there. You ask yourself the question whether, “Is this job what I want to take,” and you just bring your attention to your feet and you let it go. You don’t need to wait for an answer to come to you straight away; it will show up in its own time.


Okay. Does it show up in words and feelings and pictures? How does it show up?


It most people it shows up in a feeling, Jon, to begin with. And sometimes, yes, in a signpost or you’re watching a TV show it says something, but even that it starts with a feeling within you. So I would say maybe feelings more than anything.


I’ll tell you from my own experience with intuition, it always starts with a feeling somewhere in my body. But then I get like an image. Like something from a movie might come to me, a scene from a movie, and that scene will be so similar to what’s happening in my life that it’s like speaking to me about the situation. So that’s my own experience with that, yeah.


Yeah, okay, great.

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