Activating Stretches & Arm Massages

Each month in our private coaching group, one of our Certified Gabriel Method Coaches hosts a LIVE Class where they speak on different topics and themes to help support you throughout your transformation journey.

In this class, Mind Body Fitness with Brian Killian, Coach Brian walks us through:

  • Stretches at your desk at (at 3:15 to 18:41)
  • GM Action Step check in (at 19:05)
  • Arm massages for your forearms and hands (at 37:43)

Brian is one of our Mentor & Fitness Specialist Coach in our Ultimate Coaching Experience and Total Transformation Coaching Experience programs.

Brian combines his knowledge of science, natural medicine, body work and fitness training, to help clients act on their full potential. A skilled communicator, Brian believes transformation can be simple, fun and immediate. Brian is also co-creator of the GM Fitness program.

Watch this video and get moving with Coach Brian!

Through the monthly Coach calls which you can access through our 12-week Total Transformation Experience Program we help you work specifically to get to the REAL issues that are causing the problem. In this program, we offer all of the tools to help support your transformation journey. Each week you unlock different modules that help you identify the triggers that are causing you to hold onto weight and shed the weight easily and effortlessly.

12 Week Total Transformation Banner