The SMART Mode – Jon Gabriel and Lisa J. Smith

The SMART Mode
Radio Interviews with Jon Gabriel

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Listen to Jon Gabriel and Lisa J Smith Talk About:

  • The concept of the SMART mode
  • How to access the SMART mode and use it to your advantage
  • Why visualization is so important in this process


Read The Lecture Transcripts Here


New Sky Radio is where it’s at, every day at 3:00 PM Eastern time. This is Lisa J., Lisa J. Smith. Check out my website,, to find out all the happenings that I have going on. There's a lot of them.

Also, I haven’t talked about this, and I need to remind you real fast before I get Jon on the line, Be sure to go over. Big love and light shout out to all of my people over there in the chat room who listen to the show. You are more than welcome to go on over to, the more the merrier. We have hundreds of people over there, and it is a great way to connect with us. Even all my guests that are on the show, I have all their links post.

I have Jon Gabriel up on the main page of, so you can find out more information about Jon. Also, go over to, if you want to find out what’s going on at 4:00 every day here on the show. Jon Gabriel is my guest, he is the author of The Gabriel Method, a way to totally transform your body with a diet-free approach. And I love that. If you haven’t gotten the book yet, it’s not too late. We are working Chapter 5 and 6 today, but you know what, it’s never too late, it’s a great book, and you are doing yourself a huge service by getting this book. Of course, he would be on, on All About Me Day, which is really all about you, because it really is all about you.

Jon, welcome to the show this week.


Hey, Lisa, how are you doing?


Good, how are you?


Yes, very good.




What’s happening?


It’s early down under. Isn’t it? What time is it there?


It is 4:00 in the morning in West Australia.


Wow, wow.


And I’m feeling good. Sometimes I do this thing where I know I’ve got to wake up at 3:00 or 3:30 for the show, so I try to go to sleep early, and then you don’t fall asleep. Do you have that thing? Where you know you have to wake up really early? So, you try to fall asleep, and you don’t fall asleep, and then all of a sudden it’s 12:00. You think, “Well, I only have three hours, maybe I shouldn’t sleep.” One of those situations last night, but I knew I’d get a couple hours of sleep. So, we’re good.


Well you’re here. Well, maybe you can go back to sleep after we’re done.


Well, we’ll see what happens. I’m feeling good. So, what’s happening today? What are we doing?


What’s happening, what’s happening? Well, we’re talking, you know, your book, which is just like the greatest book ever. It’s become — I carry it around in my bag with me everywhere. So, it is like my Bible now.


You do?


Yes, I carry it all the time with me, I think it’s awesome. And I always feel like you are just there with me because after listening to you on the show every week, I feel you and hear you in all of your words in the book. So I feel like it’s you talking to me personally. I know that sounds weird.


Oh, no. Well, we have a connection, so I am always there.


Yes, yes, yes. Maybe it’s weird, I don’t know, but it’s great. So, well, what we’re doing — to catch everybody up to speed — the Gabriel Method, again, is a way to transform your body, talking about FAT programs that we have, that we trigger. And I say switches, because to me it gives me a visual, but you don’t say switches. Do you?


Yes, that’s fine. Yes, that’s a way, it’s a switch too. You can look at it that way.


Yes, to me it’s like, “Oh, my switch is on, and I need to turn that off.” But, the things that make us feel unsafe.

So, we’re talking today — we’re on Chapter 5, and we’re talking about your SMART Mode, and it’s eliminating the non-physical causes of obesity using SMART Mode. So, why don’t you talk to us about what SMART Mode is and how we can use the SMART Mode to become healthy?


SMART Mode is an acronym, S-M-A-R-T for Super Mental Alert Re-education Training Mode. That’s what SMART Mode is, and it’s what consciousness researchers refer to as the alpha and the theta state of consciousness.

Now, we have — when we’re in a normal waking state of consciousness, which is called the beta state of consciousness, our brain waves are oscillating at a certain frequency, somewhere between 20 to 30 or more cycles per second. And they’re kind of chaotic and all over the place, and we’re talking about this, and we’re thinking about that. We’re doing a million things, and we’re taking in a million different types of stimuli, and when your brain waves start to slow down, and you go into the alpha state, what happens is, you become much, much, much more focused and the size of your brain waves increase. And they all start to move together, and mathematically your brain actually becomes more powerful. It becomes up to a hundred times more powerful, that is, the amount of amplitudes that you’re putting out, the amount of amps you’re putting out, becomes a hundred times more than when you’re in the beta state. You become an incredibly much more powerful person.

And in that state, you can make changes. And the types of changes we’re talking about are the changes that will make you feel safer and will make your body not feel like you need to hold on to weight in order to be safe.




So, I use this mode when I do visualizations. And in the CD that I created, which your listeners can download if they go to the Lisa J. page on my website, it puts you into that alpha and that theta state, and then I prompt you to make certain visualizations about your ideal body, and about being safe, and feeling safe. It enables you to make changes very, very quickly.
The analogy that I always use is that if you want to make a change, like if you want to explain to your body, or just feel, or change a belief that you want to feel safe, and that life is safe, and that you don’t need the weight anymore, you could say, through an affirmation, over and over again like, “I feel safe, I feel safe, I feel safe” and every time you do that, it’s a bit like walking to create a path in the woods, or a path in tall grass, by walking on it. And every time you walk on a path, it gets more and more trodden, so that eventually once you’ve walked on a path long enough, the path becomes so established that you don’t even want to go off the path.

And that’s the way thinking patters are, and thinking habits, and that’s how you create a habit, because our brains function very, very much like that. The more you think a thought, the quicker the brain connections come, and then eventually you’ve created a habit.

But, it takes time to change a habit through affirmations. It could take days, it could take years. It’s by doing it over and over again. It’s like walking on the path each time you do it. But, when you are in that much more powerful state, that alpha and that theta state, it’s like taking a bulldozer and creating a path, and you can make a change instantly. And so you’ve changed a habit, a pattern, a belief, that’s causing you problems, and activating your FAT Programs, and you’ve done it in one session.


I love it, it’s so simple. Really, we make things so much harder than it needs to be, because the way you break things down, it’s like, “Oh, okay, I can do that.” And it doesn’t seem overwhelming. It’s not overly scientific, although you are, but you keep it simple for us. And, it’s cool.
It’s kind of like I always say, I feel like we have a tape recorder in our brain, and it just keeps, because our brains are kind of dumb, and it keeps playing it over, and over, and over, and over. And you need to hit the rewind button, and you have to go tape over it, and get used to the tapes playing the right tape.

And I love that you have power words. And this is what I love. Here’s some examples of power words that have worked for me. And you never hear authors, or people, or lecturers saying, “This has worked for me.” And it’s so simple that you just say that. I think it’s really how you connect so well with people. It’s because you share your own experience, because you’ve lost over 220 pounds.




I have a question for you before we talk about these power words that I was thinking. Did you know, when you were losing the weight, did you know what was happening, or did the program, and this Gabriel Method evolve after you lost the weight, and then you looked back and re-evaluated your life, and went, “Okay, this is what happened.”


From the moment I started losing weight, I knew this was going to happen.




I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was going to lose all the weight. I knew that I had something very powerful to tell the world, and I just knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. There was no question in my mind, no question.


But did you know the SMART Mode when you were losing weight? Like when you lost 20 pounds. At 20 pounds did you say, “Oh, I get the causes of the obesity and the S-M-A-R-T Mode.” You know, did you get that?


No, that was all a work in progress that evolved over the whole period that I was losing weight, and then after. There was a refining process after I lost the weight, because I was taking notes the whole time that I was losing weight. Eventually, once I lost the weight, I went back and I had a Word Document of over a million words in it and I went through it all, and made sense of it all, and refined it all. And then it’s been a work in progress since of refining.

But, I knew the basic concept that your body has a weight that it wants to be, or an ideal weight, and the way to lose weight is to shift that ideal weight or to get your body to want to be thinner. And that when people are overweight it’s because their bodies have mistakenly activating the FAT switch, and actually want to be fatter. I knew the concept, the shift had happened in me, I knew that I was going to take that to the world. From the second I started losing weight, there was no question in my mind. The rest of it was a work in progress.

But I did, as far as the power words, that I did know right from the start. I did have a lot of experience with mediation, and I did study the different states of consciousness, the alpha and the theta state. I did do a lot of work, right from the beginning, of using different words and different visualizations, and different weight loss tapes and things like that to try to change patterns and thoughts.

I remember, as a matter of fact, I used to listen — every night I used to try to find different weight loss tapes and tapes that worked on different emotions. And there was this one tape that I listened to every night for a while, that was just really about emotions and letting go of different emotional pains and things like that. I remember there was this one part in the tape that I could just never, ever hear. And my mind would just blank out every time I’d get to that one part, and I decided I was going to listen to it, and listen to it until I could hear that one part, because there was something in there that I needed to change, and my mind was resisting it every single time I listened to it. So, I listened to it for a couple of months until I could actually hear that one part, and I knew that whatever I had to change, changed.

So, that’s an example. When you’re listening to a tape that puts you in the alpha state and makes positive suggestions, that’s an example of using power words. But then I just refined it to myself when I was in my meditation, because when you meditate you go into that SMART Mode, and I’ve had a lot of experience in meditation so I was able to get into that mode relatively easily. When you’re in that, then I would just imagine every cell in my body, and inside I was saying, “I am safe, I feel safe. Weight loss is easy. I forgive, I let go,” whatever the thing is that I needed to work on that day.


I love that. Life is working. Everything is good. All is good. I am always taken care of. I am safe, thin is safe, life is safe, I feel safe. I love it.

We’re going to take a short break. When we get back, Jon, we’re going to talk about using the positive emotions to turn off the FAT Programs, which I love the way your book is laid out. So, go over to Jon’s giving you the download for free, the password is HEART, H-E-A-R-T. We’re going to take a break, this will give you time to go over to, or you can get to the link at Jon Gabriel is my guest and we’re going to be right back.

[Commercial Break]


We're talking about transformation, transformation of thy body. Very, very important, we're always talking about the mind and the spirit, but we really need to take care of our body. And who better to help us do that, than Jon Gabriel, the author of Every Monday on All About Me Day, which is really all about you, Jon Gabriel is here at 4:00, that's Eastern time, to connect with you and to help you understand. And my favorite thing, and I say this to you all the time, change your perception, change your life. And it's to have a deeper understanding, a different perception of why you're fat. Why you're overweight. Why you carry these pounds that you no longer need.

And thank goodness for Jon, because with his book The Gabriel Method, it really helps us to understand, I want to say our truths, is what's coming to me. So, Jon, thank you for being here.


Yeah, my pleasure.


Well, we're talking — there's so much and I hate to breeze through this, but there's only so much, you would think with a three hour show I would have enough time to do everything but I just don't. I guess I need like a six hour show every day, but then I really wouldn't be able to talk.

But we're now moving to using positive emotions to turn off the FAT Programs that you talk about. And we were just talking about using visualizations, using power words and positive words to change the programs in our brain. So now we're talking about using the positive emotions to turn off the FAT Programs. And I love that you have, and you give us, techniques for lightening our load, whether it's radiating love, radiating forgiveness. Let's talk about love. Tell us about that.


Yeah, okay, well first understand that the FAT Programs are on as a form of protection. And for 80% of us, people that had a real long time life battle with weight, those FAT Programs get turned on from emotional stress, emotional problems. When we have serious emotional problems or we're undergoing any kind of traumatic experiences, our body doesn't understand that it's just emotional. It thinks it's a physical problem. Our body is always trying to protect us physically from mental and emotional stress. And that's where you run into all the problems. So your body is actually using weight, fat, to try to protect you from some mental or emotional stress.

Now, you can try to solve the problem, which is fabulous if you can do that, but just as good from a weight loss perspective is if you could, whatever the situation of your life, if you can feel happy, if you can feel safe, if you can feel positive, then that's good enough. Because then your body doesn't think that you're under some sort of danger and it's not using the weight anymore as a form of protection.

And again, just so people understand what it's trying to protect us from, when we're having emotional stress, sometimes the chemistry is very similar to a famine, the chemistry that's caused from the stress. So our body's actually using fat and it's being tricked into thinking that we're in a famine simply because the chemistry of the mental and emotional stress is causing that. So if you can change mental and emotional stress, if you can feel safe, you've won the battle from a weight loss perspective, if that's what's turning on your FAT Programs.

So I have some very simple techniques for simply feeling great. And one of them is to be in that SMART Mode that I talked about, and I talk about how to get into that, and then to simply radiate love throughout your body. And that is just if you imagine love coming out of your heart like a spotlight and radiating to every cell of your body. Now when you're feeling love, when you're in that state of feeling just joy, happiness, love, that's a very safe state. When you're an infant and your mother's holding you and you feel loved, you're getting all that attention and cuddles and things like that, you feel safe. Love and safety are intertwined from your body's perspective. And that's one of the reasons why we crave love all the time, is because we feel safe.

So simply by radiating love to the cells of your body, you're sending a signal to your body that you're safe. And so often throughout the day we're not doing that, we're sending a signal to our body that we're not safe. We're rushing to get here, rushing to get there, late for this, worried about this, worried about a mortgage payment, worried about a boss, worried about college tuition, worried about the climate, worried about the world, worried, worried, worried, worried, worried, and what we're doing is we're sending a message to our body that we're not safe and our body's trying to protect us.

And one of the ways it does it is by turning on the FAT Programs, because it doesn't know how to protect us from mental and emotional stress, but it tries. It only has a few programs. So it activates the FAT Programs, we start to gain weight, then we go on a diet, which makes the whole situation worse because then our body was being tricked into thinking we're in a famine, now we really are in a famine, and the whole thing gets worse and worse and it escalates. And then we have this horrible dynamic and it's simply because we're sending a message to our body all the time, we are not safe. So if you can feel safe mentally and emotionally, you have won the battle and it's as simple as radiating love to the cells of your body. Because when you're radiating love to the cells of your body, your body is getting a very clear message, "I'm safe."


And that's every cell in your body. So when you do that and when you're radiating this love, and you give the technique in your book, so you'll have to get the book to learn these simple techniques which are very high vibration, very, very powerful, very simple, and after just a few minutes, you feel so connected. But you feel connected to yourself. And it really does, it erases all — I mean, when you're coming from just a state of pure unconditional love and you're starting within your life and sending it to your cells, you can't help but feel safe because there's no room for anything else, and before you know it, you're like basking in love that you use the sun, that you're like basking and immersing yourself in this light and in this love for yourself. And it's so easy for us, Jon, to just love everybody else, and "I love you, and I love you, and you're so great," but with your techniques, we're really forced – not forced, that's the wrong word – but we have the choice to go into ourselves and to really do the work.

You also talk about radiating forgiveness, and this is a big one. Because forgiveness is really, really hard for a lot of people, and it's easier to forgive other people than it is for us to forgive ourselves. And we judge ourselves, and I love this, I just want to just say this technique real fast if you don't mind. You say, sit alone quietly and say the word forgiveness. Say it slowly several times and imagine every cell in your body is saying the word in unison. After a while, certain people will come to mind that you need to forgive. As people arise in your awareness, say that you forgive them. Imagine that every cell of your body forgives them. Don't forget to include yourself.


So sometimes when we're holding onto weight, it's really because we're holding onto something else. We’re holding onto some sort of pain, we're holding onto some sort of hurt. We can't let go. And by letting go of the hurt, by letting go of the pain, somehow it makes it much easier for our bodies to lose weight. And more than anything, this forgiveness technique is so simple. Besides having, I don't know how many hundreds of people tell me that by finally forgiving some sort of past hurt they had this big cry, this big cathartic release, and the weight just melted off of them, I have also had so many people tell me that they had lifetime chronic illnesses that couldn't be treated that don't exist anymore, that simply went away. Skin problems, digestion problems, so many different problems and they'd been to so many different doctors and naturopaths, and simply by forgiving and letting go, they were able to heal themselves.

And I always say that forgiveness is not about the other person, if it's another person that's the issue. It's not something you're giving to them, it's something you're giving to yourself.


Exactly, exactly. Well we're going to take another break, but when we get back –


Because maybe they deserve it, maybe they don't; it's irrelevant.


It's not about that. It's never, ever about that.


It's not about the other person, but by forgiving you're giving a gift to yourself. You're letting go of the pain, letting go of the hurt, letting go of the stress and the fear and all the negative chemistry that that's causing your body, letting go of your FAT Programs so you're letting go of the weight, and letting go of lots of different illnesses that the stress is causing you. It's a gift you give yourself.


Absolutely, and by tapping into the love technique of feeling this unconditional love within your own cells, once you do that, then you automatically can move into a place of forgiveness of the situation, of you. It's not saying it's okay that you did whatever you did. It's not about saying, "Oh no big deal," and walking up to somebody and saying hey. It's not about that. You never have to say anything. It's about the feeling and reprograming yourself and your cells.

When we come back, Jon, we're going to take one more break, when we come back I want to talk about — because I think this is a really important chapter whether you have weight to lose or not, radiating appreciation, accept the negative, accepting your body the way it is, and I don’t know, I mean, finding your passion is really, really important. So I want to wrap up with that when we come back. Jon Gabriel is my guest. Please go over to and get this as a gift for somebody that you know that's been struggling. Even if you just want a different perspective on life, The Gabriel Method is an absolutely amazing way for you, not only of course to help yourself, but to help others as well. This is Lisa J. Smith, and we will be right back.

[Commercial Break]


Hey, hey, hey, it's Lisa J., welcome to Lisa J. Now on CBS Radio The Sky. We have some very patient people who have been holding on and I promise you, as soon as I wrap up here I am going to get to you and give you your messages. So Jamie and Gal, the most patient rock stars in the whole world. Don't go anywhere. Also, wanted to let you know, coming up at the top of the hour I'm going to be here to continue giving you messages from spirit. So if you'd like to call in and start getting in line, the phone lines get very busy, give me a call at (248) 545-SOUL, (248) 545-7685 and we'll wrap up the show with messages from spirit.

But wanted to stay in the moment right now with my guest, Jon Gabriel. Jon is the author of The Gabriel Method and we're talking about using positive emotions to turn off these FAT Programs that we use, that the FAT Programs we initiate are there to trick us into thinking that we're safe when in fact we're not.

So some things that we were just talking about and in this chapter and in your book you give some really great techniques which is one of my favorite parts of your book, on being grateful and being — if you want to forgive you have to become forgiveness. And if you want to give love, you have to become that love. And your techniques really simply get us into a very simple state, and a lot of people hear the word meditation and all these words of visualizations and they think it's all so "woo-woo" and out there. And really, your techniques are so simple and easy for everybody to use no matter where you're at within the day.

So we talked about love, we talked about forgiveness, but I want to talk about radiating appreciation and accepting the negative, because I think that's very important.


Okay. Let me just start with appreciation. There's a hierarchy of emotions that you feel in different situations. Now, if you were running away from a tiger, you wouldn’t be feeling appreciation at that moment. You'd be feeling, "Let me get out of here; I'm not safe." If you were starving in a famine, you wouldn't be feeling appreciation in that moment. You would be feeling, "I’m starving; I need food."

So the only times you ever feel appreciation is really when you're safe. When you're not running away from a tiger, when you're not starving, in other words, from a physical perspective, from your body's programming. You have to look at our body's genetic programming. Our bodies are genetically designed to protect us against different types of threats like running away from a tiger, which would make your body thinner, or starving in a famine which would make your body want to be fatter, even though you might lose weight, but your body will try to protect you from those different stresses.

Now, when we have mental and emotional stress, again, they trick these programs, one or the other. But, when you're feeling appreciation, you're sending a very powerful message to your body and that is, "I am safe," because you do not every feel appreciation when you are unsafe or afraid, because you're too busy dealing with the fear or the threat.

So, simply by radiating appreciation to your body, you're sending it a message that it's safe. And we never send that message to our body. We send a message all the time to our body that we're not safe, by our own fears. And then we get all mad at our body because it's fat and we can't lose weight and it's stubborn and it's trying to hurt us or it's sabotaging us or our body doesn't love us, or whatever these thoughts we have, but in reality our body's designed to protect us and it's actually trying to protect you from your own fears. That's what your body's doing, is protecting you from your own fears. It's a mistake, it's a mis-programming, it's a miscommunication between the mental and emotional world and the physical world, but your body is protecting you from your own fears and it's your own fears that are causing the problem.


And you say that when you're coming from those fears or whenever you're in a challenging situation and you need to come from appreciation, you say to yourself, "I am grateful for the grace of this moment."


That's right. And simply radiating appreciation out to your body, just imagining every cell of your body, just sitting quietly for a moment imagining every cell of your body saying, "I appreciate, I appreciate, I appreciate." You're radiating appreciation and then in any situation when it's challenging, exactly that, just say, "I'm grateful for the grace of this moment." It takes away the fear and the stress and the chemistry that activates these FAT Programs. That's all it's doing. It's helping communicate to your body, and this is the key, and look, there's so many different weight loss programs out there and they're all going to tell you eat so many calories a day, eat fat, don't eat fat, this is good, this is bad, and all these things are valid to a certain extent, but the real problem for 80% of us is just our own fears are activating our own FAT Programs.

So when you're in a stressful situation, simply saying, "I am grateful for the grace of this moment," simply feeling appreciation will make the stress go away that's activating your FAT Programs.


Love it, love it, love it, you are so right on and it is so good and no matter where you are in your life, whether it's weight loss or another situation that you're going through, these are all amazing techniques to be able to use.


The reason why they're very powerful is that even if you don't have a weight problem, the stress in your life is still causing some sort of problems. It's causing blood pressure or heart disease or whatever problems we're having, skin problems, nervousness, adrenal failure, whatever it is, it's caused by the stresses in our life. So simply learning how to manage stress by simple techniques, if you can just get into the habit every time you're feeling stress of saying, "I'm grateful for the grace of this moment," you've totally transformed your health simply with nothing.


I know. Isn't it amazing how simple it is, but we make it so confusing?


It's simple when you really understand what's going on. All that's happening is all of our fears are causing problems, are causing chemistry in our body and our body doesn't know what to do with that chemistry. It doesn't know what to do. When you're afraid of something, it doesn't know how to protect you from that fear, but our bodies are brilliantly designed to protect us and keep us safe from physical threats. But every time we have a mental or emotional threat our body thinks it still has to protect us. And that is the problem that we all have in 90% of life and in our health situations, it's simply our body trying to protect us from our fears.




And when you understand that, the solutions are really simply.


Exactly. And before we go, I just want to tap into, and you have to get the book, you have to get the book if you want to do this visualization, but finding your passion. And you say, well most people do lose touch with their joy and their passion. We don’t know who we are, we don't know what we're doing, and you say you were so exhausted that all you wanted to do was sleep, let alone live passionately. But what does following your heart mean to you? What makes you passionate? What do you live for? If you've forgotten, you give us a great technique, but you have to get the book, to go through and it's a simple technique and it's easy and just remembering who you are, and again, you have to get the book to go through these techniques. Again, so simple, so easy, such a great book. Jon's book, The Gabriel Method, is available at

Next week, Jon, we're going to talk about creating the body of your dreams.




So I'm excited for that, and I'm sorry that you have to get up so early to be here, but we really do all appreciate it. I can't tell you how many instant feedbacks and how many emails I get from so many people that just love your program, that are so into it, that have gotten your book and just feel so much better. So thank you for putting your work out there. Thank you for being with us so early in the morning Australia time.


More than happy, Lisa. I'm more than happy to do that.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you for finding your joy and your passion.


My pleasure.


I appreciate it, and it's great, and you bring a smile to many people's faces. So, Jon Gabriel, thank you so much. Again, Jon's website,, please go over there. He gives you a free password to start your positive thinking, to start your visualizations. Usually he sells, this, but he's giving it to all the listeners of the show. The free password is HEART. What else is there?

So, Jon, thank you. We'll talk to you next week, and we'll be onto the next chapter.




Thank you, thank you, thank you. We're going to take a short break. Thank you. I'm back to giving you messages from spirit. So if you'd like to call in, (248) 545-7685. It's All About Me Day, which is really all about you. The rest of the show at 444, it's all about you. Jamie and Gal, you are the first rock stars up. This is Lisa J.

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